Lori is a clever and resourceful young woman, carrying her valuable merchandise to the nearest western town. But she is ambushed by three sinister outlaw brothers...

Attraction Films
12m 10s /

A Red Star 4D Film

Lori is a clever and resourceful young woman, carrying her valuable merchandise to the nearest western town. Although the local marshal has offered to escort her, his presence won’t be of much help when they are ambushed by three sinister outlaw brothers. But Lori will not give up, and has some surprises for her Wanted Alive villains as they chase her through the desert plains.



Don't be fooled by this young woman's innocent air: Lori is one strong and determined individual. Driving her carriage through the rocky paths of the Great North's mountain chains, Lori is looking forward to sell her merchandize at the city. In addition to some fancy clothes and accessories, Lori is carrying a safe full of money. A perfect booty for greedy bandits...

The Grizzly Brothers

Greedy and stupid, the Grizzly brothers are wanted alive. They've terrorized the region by robbing every traveler. Even Marshall, the old sheriff, is afraid of them ! But not Lori...


Marshall is a good sheriff. Caring and courageous, he kindly offers Lori his protection when he spots her carriage. Why, it is not safe for a woman to travel on her own while the Grizzly Brothers are out there, waiting for another travel to steal from. But to his surprise, Lori has a few tricks up her sleeve...